The proof is in the pudding, and my pudding is delicious*. (Portfolio)

Getting paid to write is one of the niftiest tricks a person can pull off. I even love projects I shouldn’t because I always take something away—knowledge, insight, craft—to bring to the next thing. Want me to work on your next thing? Smart. Email me:

Style Guides + Playbooks + Guidelines

Teaching folks to fish.

Video + Podcasting

Moving pictures and
moving conversations.

Brand + Campaigns + Events

Delivering all the feels.

UX Writing +
Content Design

Empowering users at every turn.

Email + Blog

Converting prospects and informing readers.

Humor + Creative

Make ‘em laugh.
Tell ‘em a story.

*Evidently, this is a line I wrote for a freelance job 13 years ago. I had lunch recently with the guy I wrote it for. He brought it up, told me it’s his favorite copywriting line, that he drops it in conversation whenever he can. I like it so much that I’m reviving it here.